Taylor, Leilani, & Katrinka

I met Taylor in December 2019. She was shy, sweet, and pregnant. I brought her to my home for foster care to safely deliver her babies. In January, after a difficult delivery, she gave birth to three stillborns, and two little girls who I named Leilani & Katrinka.

Someday I’ll do a more in-depth post about this little family. For now, all you need to know is they were all loved beyond measure.

Katrinka passed away around 8-weeks of age. Taylor unexpectedly succumbed to FIP, a fatal disease a month later.

The sole survivor, Leilani, was finally adopted into a happy family where she will be loved, adored, and pampered.


Taylor lives on in Leilani, watching over in her shadow, and with Katrinka in her heart.


New Foster Family! Mama Mozzarella & her Minions


Toe Beans or Donuts?